Sunday, March 10, 2013

Urouge One Piece,

They Rouge priest who believes in demonic strength.

They Rouge (Urouge) of the subject. Piece. NICKNAME. "Devil Priest" (Mad Monk) Pirate Captain demonic Priest (Fallen Monk Pirates) and Goliath and the potential to face with the Hypocrisy.

They Rouge.

Fort Rouge is One in. a Supernova. , the World watched. He has White Wings on the back, the effects of Race on the Isle of Sky. Uru and Goliath, which is filled with Muscle strength and confidence in yourself. He has Power from. the Demon. Sierra line Parameters that Can be expanded to a massive body to Fight the enemy.

Room with a warm body.

They Rouge made ​​her first appearance on the Islands of Tea along with Bon. Supernova. Additional arrests ten people by the time he fought with the 108th million Brea Industry Rouge. Kim Miller.among the interests of. think. and. Florida. Saginaw. , but the Fight is still not work because the.radiation. Drake. come across them.

They Rouge vs Pacifica Vista.

Events in general. Linkin destination. invaded Islands Bonnie Cha Music. UN Rut Fight against.Pacifica Vista. , with no Fear of Flying and be pumped from under the Front. Kit destination. , but before the Attack. radiation. Drake. had to help out. . They Rouge to the body and Head, and managed to Recoup a draft. Pacifica Vista. Bounce but cheap. Pacifica Vista. firing lasers at the cheap. destination Kit. Condition to Fight Kick Bounced exhausted.

Room temperature and entering a new world.

After the War, the Marine Ford ENDED. Pirates demonic Priest travels to the New World on the Island, with lightening all the time, and met an Old Lady offered to the Puzzle.

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