Sunday, March 10, 2013

Shuzo One Piece,

Shu Neo Isonzo naval power and confidence.

Holds the Isonzo (Shuzo) Naval Neo Confident in their ability to Fight for themselves much of the Story. One. Piece. holds Miso is a Great Sailor, but he Retired from the Army to Follow. Z. 

Holds the Isonzo.

Miso is a Tall and holds strong until the Kick of. Sanchi. was highly irritating. Wear Chinese Fighters. His Arms are longer than normal humans, and as many joints. R lobe. Can Use. all Six Forms. Superior in Combat. 

Miso Ein holds up.

Holds the Isonzo was an ambitious and I do not want to think about the Consequences. He has no Idea What Would a Pirate in the World have been destroyed before. Chu was Defeated in the Battle of the Isonzo on Ayn was made ​​Chief of. Neo Naval Aviation. But he was still determined to Show that he deserved and the right Hand. Z. 

Miso now held on the USS Monterey Bay.

Miso held the Fleet to Sea and Mount Seymour to Send a Warship bearing his shot of. Mo Bay Grill.that the fans are good. Fry the Prison Impel Down. He was above the Water and Compress. Luffy.Finally thrown overboard. Miso holds the Key. to a Secret for. now Monterey Bay. know because they think that they are without Consequences Able to kill all of the people there were so carefree. 

Luffy vs Boston Isonzo.

Holds Isonzo Battle with. Luffy. Bravely, but after. Luffy. away he aimed at. now Montana NE. 's Navy. Miso holds duel with. Mo Montana NE. warships and Bomb Disposal before leaving to pursue.groups Straw. to Finally meet. 
Holds Isonzo. Battle with. Luffy. again. He Demonstrated a strong steel Gaya Can receive. Hakim.of. Luffy. them. It also uses an index Destroyer has the the 10th-inch vertical Isonzo Herd. Luffy. , but was Defeated Paul I figure the Giants and caught a Bunch. of them before. now Monterey Bay.Would Arrest him in Impel Down.

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