Sunday, March 10, 2013

Caesar Clown One Piece,

Cloud service Human Cesar gas scientists.

Cloud County Caesar (Caesar Clown), Former SCIENTIFIC genius of. the World. became a Criminal arrests three hundred million from the Bay. Piece.

Caesar Cloud service.

Caesar's Cloud Service, or his so-called "Master" (Master, M) in the presence of the Lab is on the Punk. Hazard on the Ice. They are Experimenting with a Deadly Weapon among Pirates fixed Skill of those in the New World. Fell under the Command of. the Joker.

Fujitsu Fujitsu check the result.

Cloud access the Power of the Gas "Garden Route Garden Route" (Gasu Gasu no Mi). Effect Bogey.late Middle someone who Can Transform into a Gas and the atmosphere around it. A gun is a Weapon and a "slide on" (Slime. ) Occurring Gas loaf about the fourth years ago, which was not the "Sa Ra Sa Ra" (Sara Sara) the Incoming Fish have been used as an Animal. 
Cloud service is a Former colleague and Rival of all time Vega Punk. It is said. that as a scientist, he was a genius of Vega Punk single. In Order to Step up to the Cloud County has One of the human trials to become a Giant in the World of Research, which is Almost a Hundred years. 
In the experiment failure. was Blamed for the Crash of Vega Punk. Cloud County was Arrested on the strength of the Gas, but he escaped from the Prisoners and Missing until he returned to the Lab again. 
Cloud service uses the Power of the toxic Gas expelled from the Island completely. covered.SCIENTIFIC He helped Build a leg to Prisoners who Lost a leg after being toxic to the nervous System and the Rest of the Crew to survive all the victims in the trial. 
Cloud service for his kidnapped from the nearby Island Children like an accident. his Children to eat Candy with a combination of drugs to Keep them away from Children and the Children were shaped like the Giant Goliath. 
Cloud County Collaborated with. Lawrence. appeared without asking many reasons. Him for.Lawrence. give in Exchange for his own Heart,. the Heart of. Monet. , to Protect. Lawrence.Hijacking. Cloud County Fight with. Luffy. expected to Capture Nearly Defeated because Gas does not work with. Luffy. , but he was using the oxygen in the Air to Capture them. Luffy. with.Lawrence. them success and announced to the. Experiments that may lead to the Destruction of this World. 
Cloud County Fight with. Luffy. , who dropped out of the cage but. Luffy. know the ability of the Gas Combined with. Hakim Properties of Armor. , so he went to France and tried to Warn. Luffy. .whether. Lawrence. was thought to be betrayed. Caesar Fight. Luffy. , but still not good at. Monell.come out in time to help him from Escape. Luffy. them.

Caesar was Luffy management.

Caesar decided to get RID of the Brown Mustache Reveal his Secrets, but Te cheap. Luffy.intercepted it. Caesar said with. Luffy. reaching Confidentiality in the SAD Can be changed for. a Bogey. Chain on it in the New World with. Dove Flamingos. ,. One in with. Four Emperor. guards are but. Luffy. was not interested. State and Compress them completely. 

Copyright The image may have some issues. So in Order to not violate the path. Wonder12. Would like to DELETE some Parts to it.

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